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Old Apr 28, 2006, 07:54 AM // 07:54   #61
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Just run IWAY with some rank 0's. You can probably get the build off these forums. Get rank a few kills at a time. Will it build skill? Hell no... but neither will playing with 8 rank 0 players. You can get rank 3 in no time and bluff it with some group while soaking up all the good advice you can. Yeah... your inexperience screws them, but it was rank, not experience, that they were asking for, right?

Some folks call it cheap. You can call it doing what you have to do to play the game.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 08:02 AM // 08:02   #62
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Originally Posted by R. Mindwalker
Sorry to say, go read the hole thing. Rank Discrimination will now ALSO happen in PVE because of all the ranks you can get there. Ofcourse you can show with the rank you have now, but its just not good enough for some people.
I have read that - that's why I said it will get better in SOME areas. Others might indeed see increased or even new rank discrimination.

Originally Posted by R. Mindwalker
The major screw over they made at Arena Net.
THEY FORGOT GVG RANK. i mean personal rank. When you make all these new ranks do it good. Now only the guild as hole benifits from a victory, but personally you dont get anything besides Baltazahars faction. *global unlock ftl*
I haven't see any GvG title, too - but I am sure they will include it, too. Today I got a lot more titles on my character than were displayed yesterday. GvG titles would make sense, indeed.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 08:07 AM // 08:07   #63
Wilds Pathfinder
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If I'm an experienced player, I want to be playing with peers. I was playing with a friend's friend who was really horrible the other night. His play was simply dragging the team down. If I didn't have a means to discriminate, I would never bother playing PUGs. Some days I want to wait an hour for the right group of players, other days I'll grap any old team for a quick match.

Tombs is a well-developped style of play with dozens of teams playing at a high level. This makes tombs interesting to competitive players. The chaos of IWAY is much preferred to the total chaos of the early days of guildwars. Rank stratification supports this interesting level of play.

There is a barrier to entry, but it really isn't that much: a good run with an organized unranked group can get you 6 fame (3 wins). A typical run to HoH will be 5ish wins and 15 fame. 30 good runs or 12 trips to halls and you are rank 3. In less than 20 hours you should be able to flash bambi. The biggest barriers to getting R3 is a lack of skill and a lack of a developped friends list.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 08:30 AM // 08:30   #64
Frost Gate Guardian
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I think you people should stop complaining and start playing the game, don't do IWAY or any FotM build for fame, play what you think is fun, cause this is a game and it's meant to be fun, I got my rank by playing builds I enjoy to play, Sometimes I don't even care about getting a higher rank, I just wanna play and have fun.

There are so many unranked people out there that make groups, go join theirs, if they're good add them to friends to play with them some more later.

The only thing Rank really is good for are pugs, and pugs suck, if you want to get fame and rank, I'd suggest you join a good Guild that lets you play, you have to play with people you like and know.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 08:39 AM // 08:39   #65
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Originally Posted by KitsunE81
I think you people should stop complaining and start playing the game, don't do IWAY or any FotM build for fame, play what you think is fun, cause this is a game and it's meant to be fun, I got my rank by playing builds I enjoy to play, Sometimes I don't even care about getting a higher rank, I just wanna play and have fun.

There are so many unranked people out there that make groups, go join theirs, if they're good add them to friends to play with them some more later.

The only thing Rank really is good for are pugs, and pugs suck, if you want to get fame and rank, I'd suggest you join a good Guild that lets you play, you have to play with people you like and know.
Oi, Keep that kind of no-good common sense out of this!
If they want to sing and dance at how rank has absolutely no bearing on skill and is just used to discriminate against them while they're trying to get in to higher rank PUGs (hypocritical, much?), let them.

Ps. QFT.

Last edited by Metanoia; Apr 28, 2006 at 08:45 AM // 08:45..
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 09:32 AM // 09:32   #66
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when will people stop whinning about the rank system and just play the freaking game. There are players in the HA thread that got together and formed a group of unranked players and play together why can't the OP do that or anyone else whinning in this thread. Rank means nothing but yet unranked players want into the high ranked groups.
Originally Posted by Fay Vert
and nobody will let you in if you are r0, still don't see the problem?

What happens to PvP if no or very few new people join?

"go away n00b" is very likely to make them do just that..
oh pls if a player stops playing pvp because of that they need to stop playing all MMO games because that is just the way it is. If the word noob bothers new players so much they need to get thicker skin
"oh no someone i don't know and will never meet called me a noob i'm never coming back to HA again that will show him"

again stop saying you need rank to get in groups and you need to get in groups to get rank. When I started tombing i was unranked and went through the same crap everyone that starts goes through a month later i got my first emote. It felt great to know i earned that. Now i have my friends list full of people i tomb with and we form groups and we are all different ranks. The new players don't want to go through that they want the emote as soon as they zone into tombs. They want a rank 9+ pug to take them in and hold halls for 2-3 hours so they can get the fame without work. The losing and getting in beginner pugs is a good thing. You learn just as much if not more from losing then you do from winning. One more thing start your own group and add people to your friends list if you really want to go to HA and play in some pvp there.

Last edited by ERMC; Apr 28, 2006 at 09:47 AM // 09:47..
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 10:20 AM // 10:20   #67
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This is awful there is no title for 55ing.... Grand Master of Hoping a Dying Nightmare doesnt pop up
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 10:56 AM // 10:56   #68
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by ERMC
oh pls if a player stops playing pvp because of that they need to stop playing all MMO games because that is just the way it is. If the word noob bothers new players so much they need to get thicker skin
"oh no someone i don't know and will never meet called me a noob i'm never coming back to HA again that will show him"
Most players that have this problem don't moan about it, they just go and do something else that doesn't get them frustrated. Many people are casual players and don't have time to sit around for an hour or two trying to get into a group that will fail in a few minutes. They just do something else. It isn't a problem to them and it isn't a problem to me. But it does mean that the system locks a lot of players out.

ANet needs to solve the problem of getting new players into this, I approve of the rank emotes and being able to display what you have earned. But the fact is, and I really wish Gaile would acknowledge this, the rank system IS being used to discriminate and exclude people. You can't blame players for doing this, it's a competative game and you don't want a weak link on your team.

What is needed is a system where low ranked teams will play against other low ranked teams to earn experience and work their way up.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 11:16 AM // 11:16   #69
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Originally Posted by Thom
If you have 50 10-streaks in random arenas, I'll take you as a monk even if you don't have a bambi; that was a hard case to make before titles.
I'd take a deer over even 100 10-streaks in random arenas.. every time I've gone 10+ I've had one, sometimes even two players on the team that have no idea what they're doing. I wouldn't be surprised if they were able to get Gladiator's title in very little time. If someone has a deer, even if they got it from 100% IWAY, they at least know the builds used in tombs and the maps, and have at worst a vauge understanding of how to play tombs.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 12:51 PM // 12:51   #70
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Like it or not, HoH is not designed for the casual player. Getting a decent group together can take almost an hour, and some matches can last way longer than GvGs. Remember the ultimate goal in playing HA maps is to hold HA, and (if successful) that will take up plenty of time.

I struggled with being r0 and had no guild support whatsoever in getting to r3, so I know how it feels starting out in HA with everyone asking for r3 teams. If you are rankless but know your stuff, whisper whoever's forming a group and communicate honestly, telling them your build. Chances are if you know what you're talking about, you will be let into a r3 pug and if you don't you may get some friendly advice about your build. If they're rude to you they're probably not worth playing with anyway.

If nothing else the new titles will help stop players from lying about being rank 5 when they have only r3 and force them to play with players of their own rank.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 01:08 PM // 13:08   #71
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Facts:having rank doesn't make you good,
a rank 0 can be just as good as a rank 12, not as likely but possible
rank is a measure of your sucessful time in heros, not how good you are with a specific class,
people who have rank are more likely to know what they are doing then unranked people,
it is definatly possible to get into sucsesfull unranked groups
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 01:23 PM // 13:23   #72
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Originally Posted by Akhilleus
i agree completly.
well, not 100%.
i would like to start pvping in HA, but i 100% R E F U S E to take the easy way out. theres nothing i'd love more than to do it with balanced groups, but unfortunatly, unless you have rank, the best you can hope for is a balanced group that makes it past the first match. one of my most despised GW attitudes is that of the HA rank junkie...people who do nothing but fame-farm, and wont so much as talk to people without a decent rank...and the sad part is, 99.9% of the time, they arent even that great. HA is routine routine routine, or at least thats what the dozen rank 9+ people on my f-list tell me...which means while a ranked person knows what to do and when, it also means that the whole mindset is counter-intuitive to origionality. the standard argument people will give you when you propose a modified build is "thats not how its done" they will completly disregard the idea as total lunacy; unless of course it were coming from a player more highly ranked than themselves, or a team that cleaned them out using the idea; in which case it all of a sudden becomes bloody genious, and every half-wit rank junkie tries desperatly to copy the idea.
does this mean every ranked player lacks origionality? hell no. it just means that most can not do a damn thing in GW without the build, equipment, and method being spoon-fed to them, and then they have the odacity to disciminate? that is what disgusts me.
anyone can learn how to play the maps in HA given time...not everyone has the ability to think for themselves.

you go Ahk!!

I think it's obscene that copy-catters who have probably never thought of anything they do themselves will discriminate against others...but that's only the extension of their lack of imagination. Messing about with skills is bloody fun, a shame they'll never know that fun. It's like not speaking to someone cos they have less gold than you...
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 03:55 PM // 15:55   #73
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Just as a "for the record", on the day I started this thread I:

1) Networked my way into a skilled group of guildies
2) Beat up Adult Swim on GWTV
3) Got my r3 by winning HOH for my first time (we were There Is No Cow Level [cow])

If it weren't for my having complimented one of thier [cow] players for his character name having a reference to Lexx in it, I'd have never met them. Sometimes a few well placed words and a little persistence is all it takes - hey, your enemies ARE your friends. I mean, you want to join them, right? They WILL be your friends.

So in response to the speculation that I'm frustrated by the rank system discriminating aganst me...well, at the time, nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, I dare say I was the happiest person in GW with the new system (oh, did I forget to mention this was all on the day the patch with the new titles was implimented?).

I asked a question, and you guys gave me an answer. I thank you all for your input (even, what an honor).

edit: Oh yeah, one thing I forgot: To all you folk saying that IWAYing your fame doesn't mean jack all in reflection to your experience, I pose one question. Don't you think those IWAYers learned anything from the people beating the snot out of them?

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Old Apr 28, 2006, 04:50 PM // 16:50   #74
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Originally Posted by Jessyi
3) Got my r3 by winning HOH for my first time (we were There Is No Cow Level [cow])
Nice one.

Just thought of another upside to being able to display your rank: PUG leaders in HA can look for players more actively instead of spamming in all chat and waiting for a response. Should help speed up group formation a little.
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Old Apr 28, 2006, 05:48 PM // 17:48   #75
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Whatever people think of my ranks or lack thereof, I've had fun getting them (or not) and will continue to do so, making their opinions highly irrelevant. I don't HoH, so this attitude has served me quite well.

I will, however, 12 v 12 and fully expect to be able to form a party of four (if needed) without trouble and just have fun.
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Old Apr 29, 2006, 02:37 AM // 02:37   #76
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There is no downside to this at all.

Finally players can no longer lie about their rank to get into parties based on false pretenses and that is awesome.

Want to get into better parties? Go earn your rank like those in the best parties have done.
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Old Apr 29, 2006, 05:54 AM // 05:54   #77
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iway rank = spike rank = balanced rank = whatever build rank

what makes them equal?

"Rank is rank".

it's how you win, not what you use in order to win.

Last edited by tomcruisejr; Apr 29, 2006 at 05:57 AM // 05:57..
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Old Apr 29, 2006, 06:52 AM // 06:52   #78
Pre-Searing Cadet
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I think rank should have an even greater effect. ANet has succeeded in making this a skill based game; someone new to PVP should not have to face people with tons of experience and vice versa. The PvP areas should have zones restricted by rank so new players can face other new players. If the system is having trouble making a match then it can start to match people with more disparate ranks. High rank groups should not earn as much points for killing lower ranks. The distribution of players amongst the ranks would need to be more evenly distributed, than it is currently.

Almost every competitive setting has adopted something similar it only makes since the GW do the same.

Last edited by raloth556; Apr 29, 2006 at 06:59 AM // 06:59..
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